顾 问
蔡龙云 国家武术研究院专家委员会主任 中国武术九段
王培锟 上海体育学院 中国武术九段
邱丕相 上海体育学院 中国武术九段
主 任
陈佩杰 上海体育学院院长
毛丽娟 上海体育学院副院长
委 员
周成林 上海体育学院科研处处长
戴国斌 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not院长
赵晓晗 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not党总支书记
郭玉成 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not副院长
程 华 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not党总支副书记
李甫中 美国俄勒冈研究院 高级研究员
朱为模 美国伊利诺伊州大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 教授
陈 昂 美国北卡罗来纳大学格林斯堡分校 教授
马 克 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学 教授
邱丕相 上海体育学院 教授
虞定海 上海体育学院 教授
刘 宇 上海体育学院运动科学学院院长 教授
主 任:董文侠 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not办公室主任
成 员:刘双云 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not教学秘书
组 长:徐冬根 上海体育学院武术信息中心主任
成 员:李春发 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not研究生
组 长:董文侠 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not办公室主任
成 员:殷 峰 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not研究生
组 长:朱 东 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not武术研究中心副主任
成 员:姜 美 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not研究生
王 琨 上海体育学院澳门新莆京7906not研究生
日 程 安 排
日 期 |
时 间 |
内 容 |
11月8日 (星期六) |
全天 |
报到 |
11月9日 (星期日) |
8 : 00—8 : 15 |
开幕式 |
8 : 15—8 : 30 |
合影 |
8: 30—11 : 30 |
大会报告 |
开 幕 式
时 间:11月9日(星期日)上午8 : 00
议 程:
1. 主持人宣布“第四届申江国际武术论坛”开幕式开始
2. 主持人介绍与会领导和嘉宾
3. 上海体育学院领导致欢迎辞
4. 主持人宣布“第四届申江国际武术论坛”开幕式结束
时 间:11月9日 上午 09 : 00—12 : 00
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人 |
单位 |
报告 时间 |
问答时间 |
8:30-9:00 |
Transforming traditional Tai Ji Quan techniques into integrative movement therapy for older adults. (将传统太极拳技术转化为老年人综合运动疗法的研究) |
李甫中 |
美国俄勒冈研究院 |
25’ |
5’ |
9:00-9:30 |
The internationalisation of Taijiquan: an exploration of future research perspectives (太极拳全球化:未来研究视角的探讨) |
马 克 |
比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学 |
25’ |
5’ |
9:30-10:00 |
How much? Thoughts on Dose-Response issues in Tai Chi "Medicine" (多少?关于太极“药”剂量的思考) |
朱为模 |
美国伊利诺伊大学 |
25’ |
5’ |
10:00-10:30 |
Martial Arts Education: A Different Curriculum Framework (武术教育:不同的课程结构) |
陈 昂 |
美国北卡罗来纳大学格林波若分校 |
25’ |
5’ |
10:30-10:50 |
A Study on the Modified Tai Chi and Its Effect of Muscle Strength (太极健骨操编创研究与应用) |
虞定海 |
中国上海体育学院 |
15’ |
5’ |
10:50-11:10 |
The neuromuscular function changes of aged knee osteoarthritis patients after Tai Ji Quan intervention (太极拳干预对老年膝骨关节炎患者神经肌肉功能的影响) |
刘宇等 |
中国上海体育学院 |
15’ |
5’ |
11:10-11:30 |
A Discussion on the spiritual cultivation effect of Tai Chi (太极修心养性价值刍论) |
邱丕相 |
中国上海体育学院 |
15’ |
5’ |
Transforming traditional Tai Ji Quan techniques into integrative movement therapy for older adults
Fuzhong Li, Ph.D., Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon
Abstract: This presentation focuses on transforming traditional Tai Jiu Quan practice into therapeutic applications aimed at enhancing postural control and preventing falls in older adults. Tai Ji Quan, developed as a martial art, has traditionally served multiple purposes, including self-defense, competition/performance, and health promotion. However, because of its roots in martial arts, reshaping traditional Tai Ji Quan movements and training approaches into a contemporary therapeutic program with functional applications is crucial to maximizing its ultimate utility. This very practical issue is addressed in this talk by introducing Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance, a functional therapy that involves the use of Tai Ji Quan principles and Yang-style-based movements to form an innovative, contemporary therapeutic approach that integrates motor, sensory, and cognitive components to improve postural control, gait, and mobility for older adults and those who have neurodegenerative movement impairments. The presentation covers various training approaches and clinical case examples showing integration of the clinical and functional uses of Tai Ji Quan designed to improve balance and gait, enhance performance of daily functional tasks, and reduce the incidence of falls among older adults.
李甫中博士 俄勒冈研究院 尤金 俄勒冈
The internationalisation of taijiquan: an exploration of future research perspectives.
Marc Theebom1 ,DongZhu2
1Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)Belgium. 2Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China.
Abstract: Today, an extensive number of academic studies have been conducted that have provided more insight regarding the origins, development, position and benefits of taijiquan practice. A majority of these studies has been conducted by Chinese scholars and is related to the practice of taijiquan in China. Interestingly, it is also widely accepted that taijiquan is by far the most well-known Chinese martial arts style in other parts of the world. For example, during the last three decades, taijiquan has become increasingly popular in many countries in the West. In most cases a wide variety of private schools can be found in major cities and regular classes and seminars are organised to a growing number of participants. The increased appreciation in Western countries for traditional and holistic approaches in culture at large, may serve as a possible explanation for the taijiquan’s increased popularity in the West. But while its popularity in other regions of the world has significantly increased over the past decades, at present there is a lack of research with regard to the international development and position of taijiquan. Despite the fact that in recent years the internationalisation of the Chinese martial arts has become a highly debated topic (particularly among Chinese scholars), taijquan’s globalisation process has not attracted much attention from (foreign) sports researchers. Consequently to date, academic work that tries to provide more insight into the development and current status of taijiquan in Western countries is sorely missing. The present paper therefore attempts to highlight a number of future research perspectives that could be taken into consideration when investigating the international dissemination of taijiquan. It was decided to limit the scale of investigation and primarily focus on the dissemination of taijiquan in Western countries (and particularly, but not exclusively, to Europe). In light of the poor status of the academic knowledge on the taijiquan’s globalisation process and status, the paper is primarily explorative and reflexive in nature. It is based on the author’s general insights into the actual situation of taijiquan in western countries in general and West-Europa in particular. Research perspectives that are discussed relate to a) history and development (e.g., the extent to which processes of fusion, diffusion, acculturation and detraditionalisation have influenced the international development of taijiquan in the West); b) institutionalisation (e.g., understanding the underlying processes and mechanisms of taijiquan’s institutionalisation in the West); c) policy, quality control and promotion (e.g., the effectiveness of government and/or federation policy measures for delivering qualified taijiquan instruction and coaching) and d) academic research in general (e.g., the need for more social scientific research on taijiquan).
马克1 ,朱东2
1比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学, 2上海体育学院,上海.
How much? Thoughts on Dose-Response issues in Tai Chi "Medicine"
Weimo Zhu, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Abstract:The health benefits of physical activity (PA), especially moderate and viperous PA, have been well documented. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Medical Association launched “Exercise is Medicine™” in 2007 to encourage Americans to incorporate PA and exercise into their daily routine and called for doctors to prescribe exercise to their patients. Because exercise is medicine, the question “How much” (How much exercise is needed to be able to receive health and medical benefits?) is naturally asked. To fully answer this question, the relationship between dose and response must be understood. The human body is an organism, which is able to make both adaptive physiological and psychological responses to various stimuli. In 1994, William Haskell provided a nice theoretical framework for dose-response related research in PA and health. In 2000, a symposium on “dose-response” was organized and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise published a special issue supplement on this topic (June, 2001). Yet, many critical questions have not been answered, e.g., “What is the best way to measure dose? Focus on energy expenditure or PA movement itself or something else?” “What is the best outcome to define response?” “Which mode (a combination of a set of exercises or PA) works best?” “What is the ideal interval between exercise interventions?” “What is the relationship and interaction of PA with other health behaviors, e.g., eating?” etc. The dose-response research field also has not taken advantage of the latest theories and methods in research design, measurement, and statistics. This is especially true when Tai Chi or Tai Chi Quan is used as the “medicine” since little epidemiological evidences have been collected to support Tai Chi as a medicine and, so far, the does and outcome measures in Tai Chi research have ignored its body-mind nature, as well as its roots in Chinese medicine (e.g., the relationship of Tai Chi practice with the meridian system and Qi). After providing an overview on the concept and key studies of the dose-response in PA and health, this presentation will address in depth critical issues in Tai Chi dose-response research.
体育活动有益于健康已得到充分证明,尤其是中高强度的体力活动。美国运动医学学院和美国医学学会在2007年启动了“运动即良药”项目,旨在激励美国民众将体育活动与锻炼融入日常生活,并要求医生规定患者进行运动。因为,运动即良药,那么“运动多少”(即多少运动量可获得健康和治疗益处?)的问题随之而来。为了全面解答这一问题,必须明晰剂量的关系。人体是有机体,对各种刺激既有生理适应也有心理反应。1994年,威廉·哈斯科尔针对体育活动与健康提出了合理的理论体系。2000年,有关“剂量—应答”的研讨会举办, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise杂志针对该议题出版了专刊(2001年6月)。然而,很多关键问题并未得到解答。如,“测量剂量的最佳方法是什么?是能量消耗、体育活动本身还是其他?”、“界定反应的最佳效果为何?”、“什么方式(运动组合好还是体育活动)是最有效的?”、“运动干预的理想间隙是多少?”、“体育活动与其他健康行为之间的关系与作用是什么,如:饮食?”。在剂量研究领域,其研究设计、测量与统计尚未引入最新的理论和方法,那么显然,若将太极拳作为“良药”,还没有流行病学方面的证据可佐证这一观点。目前为止,太极拳研究的剂量与效果评定也都忽视了其讲究身心自然的特点,以及作为根植于中医的太极拳与经络系统、气之间的关系。在体育活动与健康领域提供剂量概念与研究重点的综述后,该研究主要侧重于太极拳运动剂量的深入研究。
A Study on the Modified Tai Chi and Its Effect of Muscle Strength
Dinghai Yu 1 , Huiru Wang2, Yelei Xie 1, Zhen Wang 1,Yunya Zhang1
1Shanghai Sport University, Shanghai,200438. 2Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai,200030.
Background and Purpose
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of 12-month modified Tai Chi muscle strength and nerve-muscle reaction time in Postmenopausal Women.
Postmenopausal female volunteers (n=117, aged 59.19±3.6 years) from Shanghai’s Yangpu district were recruited. They were randomly divided into modified Tai Chi (n=40), traditional Tai Chi (n=38) and control (n=39) groups, based on their residential area. The modified Tai Chi and the traditional Tai Chi groups exercised four times a week, 60 minutes each time with an instructor for 12 months. The control group was advised to maintain routine activity during the intervention. Muscle strength and nerve-muscle reaction time were assessed before and after intervention.
1. The modified Tai Chi based on the features and coding system for ICF theory, its intensity is medium load, comply with the basic principles of exercise intervention.
2.No significant differences in baseline height, weight, age, BMI and BMD were found between the different groups. After intervention, as compared to the control group, the lower limb muscle strength of the modified Tai chi exercise group and Tai chi group has merely difference (P=0.19), while great difference showed with the control group (P<0.001).
3. In the terms of lower limb nerve-muscle reaction, the modified Tai chi group, Tai chi group and the control group have significant statistical difference (P < 0.001), the Tai chi group and the control group has no significant difference(P=0.21).
1. The Modified Tai Chi has combined the major points of traditional Tai Chi basic skills training, Pushing Hands and strength training, innovative sports exercise with outstanding function and easy to popularize.
2. Practice the Modified Tai Chi regularly, the lower limb muscle strength will increased, and speed up the nerve - muscle reaction time, as well as helpful to prevent the fall, reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture.
Keywords: Effect, Modified Tai Chi, Postmenopausal Women, Muscle Strength, Nerve – muscle Reaction Time
虞定海1,王会儒2 ,谢业雷1 ,王震1 ,张云崖1
1上海体育学院,上海, 200438;2上海交通大学,上海, 200030
太极健骨操的编创以文献资料、专家访谈和实地调查法为基础,并结合国际功能和分类(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health ,ICF)理论中的功能和编码系统。117名绝经期女性(平均年龄59.19±3.6周岁)随机分为实验组(40人)、太极拳(38人)和对照组(39人),太极健骨操组练习新编太极健骨操,太极拳组练习8式太极拳和24式太极拳等套路,均为每周4次、每次1小时的集体练习,对照组保持原有生活方式,为期12个月。分别在开始前和12月后测试实验对象的下肢肌力和神经-肌肉反应时。运用SPSS 20.0进行行方差分析、重复测量等相关统计学处理,以P<0.05为具有统计学差异。
2. 在下肢肌肉力量方面,太极健骨操组与太极拳组无显著性差异P=0.19),但与对照组的差异极显著(P<0.001)。
3. 在神经-肌肉反应时方面,太极健骨操组与太极拳组及对照组的下肢反应均有显著性统计学差异(P<0.001)。
刘宇 伍勰 张云崖 黄灵燕